2012年6月19日 星期二


Dear All,

Aspose的技術問題,不論是end user或者是我方角色的reseller,一律規定都是要透過Support Forum發問,原廠回覆會直接在forum留訊息,,請客戶耐心等候原廠答覆。 因為我也問不出什麼東西 ,以前有案子已經試過要用其他管道問進度,都是被打回來。 當初原廠的信件如下,請參考。

Hello Clare,

The customer will need to post the issues themselves in the Technical Support Forum and attach any documentation to the post. Our development team monitors the forums and they will be the ones to respond to technical issues for the customer. To post problems or questions they can select the Forums Tab at the top if our homepage and then select the appropriate forum for their components, then click on “New Post”. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Shelia Holt
Sales, Aspose Pty Ltd

Clare 2012.06.19